Native Village Of Chuathbaluk

Hello Chuathbaluk,
We continue to work our Indian General Assistance Program for improvements to our Chuathbaluk Environmental plans to protect our land, air, and water. The IGAP Department holds reuse nights once a month to educate the community about the environment and how to reuse household items.

Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients are considered to be household hazardous waste (HHW). Products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides, that contain potentially hazardous ingredients require special care when you dispose of them.
Improper disposal of HHW can include pouring them down the drain, on the ground, into storm sewers, or in some cases putting them out with the trash. The dangers of such disposal methods might not be immediately obvious, but improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health.
Benefits of Proper HHW Management
Reduction and recycling of HHW conserves resources and energy that would be expended in the production of more products.
Reuse of hazardous household products can save money and reduce the need for generating hazardous substances.
Proper disposal prevents pollution that could endanger human health and the environment.
Reduction at Home
Consider reducing your purchase of products that contain hazardous ingredients. Learn about the use of alternative methods or products—without hazardous ingredients—for some common household needs.
To avoid the potential risks associated with household hazardous wastes, it is important that people always monitor the use, storage, and disposal of products with potentially hazardous substances in their homes. Below are some tips for individuals to follow in their own homes:
Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in food containers; keep them in their original containers and never remove labels. Corroding containers, however, require special handling. Call your local hazardous materials official or fire department for instructions.
When leftovers remain, never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become unrecyclable.
Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.